Thursday 21 April 2011

Wheatgrass and Cancerbush (Sutherlandia)

Having grown organics on a small scale for a while and due to the fact that I get very little from my efforts because of the monkey presence I decided to try growing something they did not steal. I firstly decided to try and grow something which would help other people. I had a "Cancerbush" and already knew of the benefits of "Wheatgrass" but not the powder. So, I decided to find out more with some really amazing results.
Cancerbush was the first thing I tried, planting seedlings I had grown from my own seed from a plant which was gifted to me a while ago.
(The reason I started growing Cancerbush is because my Dad had colon cancer so I decided to grow it for him. Sadly he left us before I could get any to him.)
When plants were big enough for cutting I cut the branches that were big enough and dried the leaves and growing tip. Then, with my Oscar milled the dried leaves into a powder.
Little did I realise how much you had to cut to make a decent amount of dry matter.
However, I did have enough powder to give samples to friends and started taking it myself. (that was in October 2010)
To put it mildly the results have been little short of amazing.

The Wheatgrass is planted direct (from non poison treated seed of course) and this process, even though the growing is a little different is the same.
I had planted on a small scale before in trays but this is the first time I had tried in the veggie garden.

What I do try and do is cut after rain or watering the plants. I do not use any pesticides other than the organic ones I make myself.
I cut by hand, leave on racks outdoors for a couple of days to pre dry and then finish off with the de hydrator.

Wheatgrass almost ready for cutting

Cancerbush ready for the de hydrator

Wheatgrass and Cancerbush pre drying

Cancerbush (Sutherlandia frutescens)

Cancerbush leaves for drying and stems

After first milling
The internet says you should benefit from Cancerbush in the following ways:
Used as a mood enhancer, (which I can vouch for), appetite improver, chicken pox, stomach problems, colds, flu, asthma, tuberculosis, rheumatism, arthritis, liver problems, varicose veins, hemorroids, piles, bladder complaints, uterine problems, chronic fatigues, dysentery, heartburn, diabetes, peptic ulcers, bakache,  and is currently being used in experiments to help people with HIV and cancer.

Now what results should you expect when taking Cancerbush.
These results come from experience and from what people have told me.
1 You should feel a sense of well being.
2 Blood pressure should revert to normal.
3 Some aches go away.
4 You should urinate more which means it is flushing you out.
5 Your skin might improve.
6 You might lose weight.
7 It does seem to target whatever problems you might have which makes it a really wonderful plant. People who are taking it seem to "glow."
There is one drawback though. Cancerbush powder is VERY bitter...........................
It contains L - CANAVANINE and more I am sure.

I have only been taking it for a short while but the first thing I noticed was that my energy levels increased dramatically. This could be due to the fact that being single and vegetarian, my diet might not be as good as it should be and it/they are replacing what I am not getting in my meals.
Now due to the fact that you might start de toxing your body (a good thing) there are symptoms to watch out for. The one I have experienced is a headache. You can also experience flu symptoms, fatigue and weakness.
This will pass due to the fact that your body is re adjusting to the improved diet.

For more information on detoxing go to or
It is more palatable than Cancerbush and without the bitterness.
It contains: VITAMIN A,E,D,B12, and C as well as magnesium, potassium and laetrile

What does the inernet say about its uses:
Used for combatting colds, high bloodpressure, anaemia, acidity, (it is well known as an anti oxidant), nausea, vomiting, worms, diabetes, pimples, boils, cancer, bronchitis, asthma, ulcers and peptic ulcers, insomnia (works the opposite for me), headache, piles, constipation, indigestion, flatulence, sore throat and osteoarthritis.

I take Wheatgrass in the morning only, otherwise I would be awake all night.
I will keep any interested people up to date if they should write to me: Kevin, at:

Well that is entirely up to you. I tell people to start on 1/4 teaspoon per day of Cancerbush and from 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of the Wheatgrass.
I take 1 teaspoon of Wheatgrass in the morning and  1 teaspoon of Cancerbush at night (I wash the Cancerbush down with half a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey).

It is always wise to consult with your doctor before changing your medication just in case you are taking something which might react with it.

And a word of caution. Only take Wheatgrass regularly if you want to de tox because de toxing is NOT the easiest thing to go through (although it might be different from person to person) However, the result is well worth it because you will know exactly the time you have completed it. I felt as if I had been gifted with a new body, that is how good I felt.
I still take it every morning (!/2 tsp) with the same "energetic" feeling so am going to stay with the "programme" for as long as I can.

I like the idea that they are both totally organic with no extra "additives" and are VERY concentrated.

If you would like to know more about the plants then just Google either of them. There is a lot of information about the two of them you can sift through.

Cutting by hand
 I tried wearing gloves when cutting as well but discarded them because I was losing "connection" with the grass and could not impart my "essence/love" onto the leaves. I do thank them for their "bounty."
It has now come to the point where I am able to make a little available to interested parties but the supply is very limited so must be on the "first come first served" basis and for South Africans only.

This much to make THAT much

OK, a questions you might be asking yourself.
1 How much grass does it take to make the powder?
2 Why is it so concentrated?

Well, as you can see from the photo above, it takes a LOT of grass to make a little powder.
It is very concentrated because all that has been removed is the moisture.
I get it so fine by putting it through my "Mill" 4 times.

Sachets are sold from R10.00 each (excluding postage and packaging) and contains enough to last a month or so depending on your needs.

I pack by volume and not by weight.
How I am selling the Wheatgrass and Cancerbush powder.

Something new I am experimenting with.
I have a German Shepherd who sweats a lot and this summer has been scratching a lot as well and  also smells quite bad ...............
I have been putting Cancerbush powder in his milk every afternoon for the past week and can already notice a difference even in his demeanour. He actually does not mind the bitterness, even if the milk is a little green.

I am also experimenting with the Cancerbush powder and juice as an ointment on both him and myself and so far the results are very promisng. Go to my "Lotions and Potions" page for more.

I guess you could call us "Team Guineapig."

UP date

I am now experimenting with Parsley powder. I have been growing it for a while for a small market I had, which has now dried up, so I thought, "Hey, why not dry it." I was told that the green leaves are rich in iron and drying extends the shelf life of anything fresh by MANY days. You are only removing the moisture.......
So now I am taking it as well.
Here is something I found on the internet a while ago. I am not sure of the site but thank you to them.

In the past, people used parsley mostly as a garnish. More recently, the
health benefits of this beautiful green leaf have come to light, and people are
consuming it in a variety of forms. It can be added to salads or ground into a
powder for tea. The parsley powder may be consumed alone or added with other
flavors for a custom blend. No matter how it's used, drinking a cup of parsley
powder tea each day is good for you.

Rich in Antioxidants
Parsley is loaded with vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C, folic acid,
potassium and iron. Ground into a powder and made into a tea, it's easily
assimilated by the body. These nutrients help fight free radicals, boost the
immune system and nourish the organs. Beta carotene is good for the liver, lungs
and colon.

Folic Acid
Parsley is rich in folic acid, one of the B vitamins that is healthy for the
cardiovascular system. It also promotes healthy cell division, which can prevent
cancer from invading the organs.

Loaded with Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll helps prevent the spread of bacteria and other harmful organisms.
The chlorophyll, which has a high oxygen content, also helps fight viruses and
reduces the effects of pollution. It loosens mucus, which brings relief to
people with sinus problems, allergies and asthma sufferers.

High Amount of Vitamin K
Parsley has a very high amount of vitamin K, which helps the bones absorb
minerals for strength. After it's heated, the vitamin increases significantly,
making the tea form even more beneficial.

Apiol, one of the elements of estrogen, is found in parsley. Drinking parsley
tea can help women regulate their periods, stimulate contractions of the uterus
after childbirth and relieve some of the symptoms of menopause. Due to the
presence of this hormone, women who are pregnant shouldn't drink parsley tea.

The fluorine in parsley helps prevent tooth decay by working with calcium to
strengthen the enamel. It also helps prevent infections and viruses.

Other Benefits
Parsley has many other benefits that you may enjoy when drinking parsley powder
tea. It helps prevent anemia, reduces bacteria that cause bad breath, and aids
in protecting the blood vessels. Parsley helps the digestive system and can
lower the incidence of diarrhea and indigestion. It helps dissolve cholesterol
and acts as a diuretic to prevent fluid retention.

Thanks Again to the Author.
After reading that again I am going to be taking it on a more regular basis.

My regime at the moment is, "Wheatgrass every morning, Cancerbush every second day, Comfrey once a week and on the other days, Parsley.

This is an exerpt on Comfrey from the internet which I must thank for.

Medicinal Action and Uses
Demulcent, mildly astringent and expectorant. As the plant abounds in mucilage, it is frequently given whenever a mucilaginous medicine is required and has been used like Marshmallow for intestinal troubles. It is very similar in its emollient action to Marshmallow, but in many cases is even preferred to it and is an ingredient in a large number of herbal preparations. It forms a gentle remedy in cases of diarrhoea and dysentery. A decoction is made by boiling 1/2 to 1 OZ. of crushed root in 1 quart of water or milk, which is taken in wineglassful doses, frequently.
For its demulcent action it has long been employed domestically in lung troubles and also for quinsy and whooping-cough. The root is more effectual than the leaves and is the part usually used in cases of coughs. It is highly esteemed for all pulmonary complaints, consumption and bleeding of the lungs. A strong decoction, or tea, is recommended in cases of internal haemorrhage, whether from the lungs, stomach, bowels or from bleeding piles -to be taken every two hours till the haemorrhage ceases, in severe cases, a teaspoonful of Witch Hazel extract being added to the Comfrey root tea.
A modern medicinal tincture, employed by homoeopaths, is made from the root with spirits of wine, 10 drops in a tablespoonful of water being administered several times a day.
Comfrey leaves are of much value as an external remedy, both in the form of fomentations, for sprains, swellings and bruises, and as a poultice, to severe cuts, to promote suppuration of boils and abscesses, and gangrenous and ill-conditioned ulcers . The whole plant, beaten to a cataplasm and applied hot as a poultice, has always been deemed excellent for soothing pain in any tender, inflamed or suppurating part. It was formerly applied to raw, indolent ulcers as a glutinous astringent. It is useful in any kind of inflammatory swelling.
Internally, the leaves are taken in the form of an infusion, 1 OZ. of the leaves to 1 pint of boiling water.
Fluid extract: dose, 1/2 to 2 drachms.


I do know that to me it tastes a little like meat..............................

I am also using it in one of my "Lotions."

I have to record more benefits of the Cncerbush powder.
For two days I had had a very sore throat but I kept with my daily regime of "Wheatgrass" in the morning, "Comfrey" powder on Wednesday and alternating days for "Parsley" and "Cancerbush" powders. Yesterday, I eventually decided to see what  would happen when I took Cancerbush. Well, my sore throat started feeling better while I was drinking it and within 2 hours the pain had almost gone.
BUT, it also broke my cold so last evening I was "leaking" from my nose quite a bit. Enough that I stopped drinking liquids because I just blew them out into a handkerchief.
What I thought was just a head cold has turned out to be a total body cold. Talk about getting a chance to test out remedies........
This morning I had Wheatgrass as is my norm but had Cancerbush this evening.
As I write this I can already feel a calming effect from the Cancerbush. I am still coughing a lot but need to  keep the chest loose. (I had asthma, bronchitis and a couple of other "thingys" as a child)
I think I will start rubbing Cancerbush lotion on my chest to see what happens.

This is not the end of the story, the rest is on my "Underberg Labyrinth" blog. It was a rather interesting day.

PN Even though I will not sell anything from any of my sites that I am not using myself, I will not accept responsibility should anybody have a bad reaction to any of the items.

I am going to be using different designs on my packaging in the near future. I am trying to make it look as much like my business card as I can.

Future Packaging
I now have enough stock of Wheatgrass Powder to sell larger quantities. Seen below are the new containers  as well as the labels.

The new packaging front.

New packaging back.

Something else I am trying is a mix of Wheatgrass and Rocket.
Rocket is a herb rich in iron, chlorophyll, and vitamins and is also an antiscorbutic. (I think this means "antiscurvy") and a digestive.
It is also good for coughs which also suits me as I get a cough most winters which I have a hard time "removing" until Spring.

More on that later.......................

The food values of Wheatgrass Parsley and Cancerbush

I received back the food values of Wheatgrass, Parsley and Cancerbush, which I find rather interesting. I had it done independently so that people can be aware of what they are ingesting from these "plants." I had taken some powder to a laboratory so the tests have been done on 100% dry matter basis. (that is how dry the powder is that I sell)


A little UP date.
I have a friend who has been using Cancerbush Powder for a while and he has been monitoring his blood pressure. It has been stable since he started taking the powder.

I have found another couple of uses for it now as well.

1 I have used it for a headache/migraine.
2 Today I used it for Heartburn.

In these two cases above I have taken Tablets. I have been experimenting making tablets using flour as my base and now no longer take the powders but take tablets instead.
For more information go to .

The Cancerbush Powder is also good for Cystitis.

Please go to my other blog.

Magic Lotion

for more information as to how the lotion and powder has helped other people.


  1. I am happy that I found your post while searching for informative posts. It is really informative and quality of the content is extraordinary. Great piece of writing, I really liked the way you highlighted some really important and significant points. Thanks so much, I appreciate your work.

    Wheatgrass Powder

  2. My introduction to Wheatgrass was seeing it on a TV show growing up as the go-to for a morning ‘shot of health’. Let’s be honest, the health benefits of Wheatgrass are pretty magnificent. But in terms of money, a daily shot of Wheatgrass Powder bought from your local juice shop is sure to add up.
